
Saturday, October 12, 2013

BASQUE- Dinner is Ready- I wish you could smell the aroma coming out of this kitchen! Plus 5 Fun Facts!



Our time in Basque country has come to an end! I must say this was my favorite meal so far. It was raining outside today and that made for a perfect time to cook up these rustic savory Basque classics! The seafood stew was so tasty! The shellfish were so delicate and sweet. The paprika and chicken stock were savory and delightful.
Our Chicken Chorizo with Sherry Wine and Red Peppers was spicy, savory, and hearty. The Red Peppers gave it a bright and fresh taste. We loved breaking apart our bread and soaking up  the delicious sauce!We loved our time in Basque Country, we hope you did as well!!!

5 Fun Facts about the Basques

1. Euskaldunak is a term used to describe all true Basque people
2. Euskara, the Basque language, is an isolated language, unlike any other in existence. There are countless theories on how this is possible but no one knows for sure. 
3. The capital of Basque country is Vitoria
4. If you hear a Basque man say, ""Maite zaitut," it means "I love you."
5. A person who is born in Basque country is automatically considered a Basque. Anyone not born, is not considered a true Basque. It is possible for a Japanese person to be considered Basque if they speak the language.

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