
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Around the Globe in 52 Plates

Hello! My name is Dina Siracusa Tupper. I am a foodie fanatic! My favorite thing in life is learning about different cultures around the world. I love to learn new languages, traditions, and most of all diverse cuisines!
 I have been trying to figure out a fun way to teach my girls about the wonderfully diverse world we live in. While my real wish is to travel the world with them one country at a time, for now that will have to wait. I have decided we are going to explore the globe one country, region, culture at a time from A to Z. We will research a different country each week and learn about the people, religion, food, etc. starting with the letter A. Two countries per letter, one each week puts us out 52 weeks. A one year project. We will make a regional dish from that part of the world every week.
We will start this week with the land of the Gaucho, amazing Argentina!!! Vamanos!!!


  1. Have fun! I'll probably check in with you to see how it's going. It's an idea I'd love to imitate with Isabella when she's just a little older and understands more.
    This is a very exciting thing you're doing, and I'm sure your kids will look back on it fondly :) Let me know when you get to the letter "H" - perhaps I can entice you to try a Hungarian dish.

    1. Thanks Rita! I would love for you to share any and all about Hungary!

  2. P.S. I'm trying to figure out how to change my name as it's displayed above. The comment is from me, Rita Szollos :)
